Sunday 12 July 2015

Open Letter to Teacher Oppressors!!

If you dare support that teachers who are refusing to go back to Wajir should be fired here is a piece of my mind specially written just for you!

Dear Teacher oppressor,
If a master cannot provide good care for his servants, then the work will be less pleasing and if he does force them to perfect their task despite the poor conditions then we automatically baptize his acts as the highest rate of shenaniganism!
You see you attained your degree or whatever level of achievement and secured yourself a position in the most posh office in the most cleanest and high rated building in the city! You love it don’t you! Kudos to you and your decadent peers who are not all that chaste. You are dying to know why i wrote this right?

That teacher, just like you had the freedom to choose your career and what you pleaseth to pursue, he or she also did. Devoted the rest of his/her valuable now turned miserable time (thanks to injustice) to help your child to never embarrass you in front of your elite business partners with his/her bad grammar. This same teacher has helped reduce your trip to school to find out how much is needed as school fees because finally you little boy/girl can now count and add numbers. Isn’t that great? Keep in mind when you too took that kid to school, they could hardly address a letter or pronounce your name correctly leave alone theirs. Now they even tweet and save stuff on sound cloud.
This dedicated teacher is not even asking for much. Unlike you who complains about a lift out of serviced for only 12 minutes, toilet water not being too clear, why your glass table is not glowing, your lunch is late! The calendar on your wall is not matching the hue of your grotesque office. This teacher simply says i feel insecure going back to that place. Period!
The above statement of insecurity is an open subject according to this teacher, if the security is there, he/she wouldn’t mind going back to improve the diction of a child somewhere.
Despite the poor working conditions like sharing rooms, challenges to access even some of the basic needs, this teacher has the knack to carry on with his or her duty. Some of our female teachers forgot what it is like to have a pedicure appointment, change hairstyle every weekend, go shopping and hang out with friends! Instead they are busy indoors trying to mark the poor handwritten assignment thanks to your kid. Guess what? They are still committed to correct that handwriting and bring out a flawless writer, even if it means going an extra mile. The sacrifice of raising a generation that is enlightened starts with this teacher.
In the allegory of the cave Plato states: You must contrive for your future rulers another and a better life than that of a ruler and then you may have a well-ordered state: for only in the state which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessing of life.
So the next time you are hobnobbing with your political cronies and you decided to gang up and discuss how unscrupulous our teachers are, think about all the illiterate minions we would be having, including you if you wouldn’t have gone to school.
Remember this " We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark but the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light!!"
Yours faithfully
A lover of Justice!!!

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